City of Ljubljana energy retrofit project wins Dnevi Energetikov award

The City of Ljubljana energy retrofit project is this year’s recipient of Dnevi Energetikov’s Best Energy Efficiency Project award. Moreover, besides winning the award given out by a jury of experts, the energy retrofit project also won the people’s choice award decided by popular vote online.

Dnevi Energetikov, organized by daily newspaper Finance, is Slovenia’s leading energy conference. It brings together energy managers every year to discuss innovations, issues and challenges. As part of its program it delivers three awards: best energy efficiency project, most energy efficient company and best renewable energy promotion project.

The City of Ljubljana energy retrofit project is truly unique in scope and ambition: 48 public buildings throughout the city have undergone complete or partial energy retrofits. The measures included renovating heating, ventilation and cooling systems, replacing inner lighting with more efficient lighting, existing heating systems with systems using renewable energy sources, doors and windows, renovating facades and isolating roofs. These measures, applied in buildings ranging from schools, kindergartens, sports centers, administrative buildings and health centers, have generated over 8 GWh of annual energy savings and lowered CO2 emissions by more than 3,000 tons each year.

Dnevi Energetikov recognized the immense significance of this project and delivered their award to the partners in the project: the City of Ljubljana, Resalta and Petrol.

Luka Komazec, Resalta’s CEO, said:

Congratulations to our partners, the City of Ljubljana and Petrol. I am thrilled that this amazing project is once again being recognized by experts as an exceptional example of energy efficiency done right. Our engineers here deserve a special mention for their hard work, dedication and ingenuity. This is the third year that Resalta's projects are rewarded by Dnevi Energetikov and all credit goes to them for the great results they consistently deliver.

The success of the City of Ljubljana energy retrofit project was such that the municipality embarked on an extension of the project, for the retrofit of an additional 11 buildings. The project is currently in its implementation phase, once again with Resalta and Petrol as private partners, this time joined by Javna Razsvetljava for lighting renovations. The project will save an additional 2,260 MWh each year for the municipality, lowering CO2 emissions by 459 tons annually. 

Resalta has previously won awards at Dnevi Energetikov including:

  • Most energy efficient company 2018 with Gorenje
  • Best energy efficiency project 2018 with Livar
  • Best energy efficiency project 2015 with Grand Hotel Bernardin
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